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There is a new certificate program starting soon at IITAP, LLC, and we couldn’t be more excited to tell you about it!

Our Rainbow Advocate and Educator program is going to introduce everyone to the kind of education and resources one needs to communicate with and show compassion towards the LGBTQIA2+ population.

For too long, the needs and concerns of the “Rainbow” community have gone overlooked, even ignored. Read some of the statistics below:

According to a recent study by the Trevor Project, a nonprofit organization founded in 1998 focused on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ youths, 40 percent of young LGBTQ people have considered suicide in the last year, and that number rises to more than half for trans and nonbinary youths.

Other stunning numbers from the project include:

  • 48% of LGBTQ youths reported engaging in self-harm in the past 12 months, including over 60% of transgender and nonbinary youths.
  • 68% of LGBTQ youths reported symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder in the past two weeks, including more than 3 in 4 transgender and nonbinary youths.
  • 1 in 3 LGBTQ youths reported that they had been physically threatened or harmed in their lifetime because of their LGBTQ identity (source).

We believe advocacy begins with education. Our Rainbow Advocate and Educator program is going to offer an in-depth look at the proper terminology, cultural considerations, and developmental models that pertain to the variety of people you are bound to meet in your line of work.

The program is broken down into 2 modules, with our first mod being available to ALL PROFESSIONALS, FRIENDS, AND FAMILY of people in the LGBTQIA2+ community. We want to give everyone the opportunity to learn and grow with us. Plus, you’ll get to let everyone know you’re the real deal, and someone to trust working with the LGBTQIA2+ population.

Benefits of the program include:

  • Receive a Certificate of Completion with the Rainbow Advocate Continuing Education (CE) awarded, Rainbow Logo, and RAE Credential
  • Subscribe to the Rainbow Advocate ListServ to exchange valuable tips, business referrals, and information from other RAE/RACS members
  • Become listed and searchable as a RAE or RACS on the Rainbow Program website directory
  • Receive information for upcoming trainings and business marketing opportunities
  • 21 Continuing Education credits, good for your IITAP renewal!

Our second mod will be an in-depth, clinical curriculum for licensed mental health professionals, or registered mental health interns. There will be more information on that mod coming up in the near future!

Mod 1 starts on September 23 – 25, 2021. There is still time to register!

You can find out more about our program if you visit our website: