About Us
Our mission is to provide an affirmative, inclusive approach to create a welcoming environment.
Our goal is to empower you and bridge communities to create a safe space for all.
We seek to provide education, services and treatments, and a network of community representatives committed to promoting the well-being, empowerment, and safety of the LGBTQIA2+ world. Our curriculum covers the most current, extensive research to support our mission to bring advocates into all professional sectors.
Promote Acceptance
We strive to contribute to a world that is free of discrimination and oppression, where all LGBTQIA2+ individuals have the freedom to express themselves and fulfill their life goals within a supportive community. Are you ready to grow with us?

Core Beliefs
We believe LGBTQIA2+ individuals should live in a world where they receive support and acceptance, and all people are treated with respect and dignity.
We believe in promoting understanding of the unique needs of LGBTQIA2+ individuals and creating a system that supports and understands these needs.
We strive to actively improve the lives of LGBTQIA2+ individuals through advocacy efforts designed to promote equality and justice.
We believe that LGBTQIA2+ individuals should live in a world free of fear, hate, and aggression in any form, including microaggressions.
We believe in promoting a community, full of strength, pride, and love where everyone feels welcome.
LGBTQIA2+ individuals should live in a world free of discrimination, oppression, and systemic injustice.
We believe that LGBTQIA2+ individuals should thrive, living in a world where everyone has the resources and freedom to live an empowering and happy life.
The Rainbow Advocate Program is an affiliate of IITAP, International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals.